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Clinique Veterinaire Mobile Plus

You can let your dog drink from puddles if he is vaccinated against Leptospirosis

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The leptospirosis vaccine protects against four specific strains of the Leptospirosis bacteria, but there are numerous other strains of Leptospirosis that the vaccine doesn’t cover. In addition, there are other contaminants and diseases that can be harmful for your pet if he drinks stagnant water, such as giardia, coccidia, campylobacter and cryptosporidium.

Les viandes fraîches devraient être le premier ingrédient sur une étiquette de nourriture pour animaux de compagnie

By Vrai ou Faux No Comments


Les ingrédients sur les étiquettes des aliments pour animaux de compagnie sont énumérés par ordre de poids. La viande fraîche contient surtout de l’eau, donc, en comparant le poids, il y a beaucoup moins de valeur nutritive dans la viande fraîche que dans la farine de viande où l’eau a été enlevée.

Dogs don’t feel guilty as such, but respond rather to your body language and tone of voice

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This has been a greatly debated subject due to the way our dogs react when we point out something they chewed or a mess they made. However, studies were done where they were able to show that dogs are indeed reacting to our cues rather than feeling shame. They were able to provoke the “guilty dog look” in dogs that hadn’t done anything just as easily as dogs that had.