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True or False

Smoking can cause cancer in cats and dogs.

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Cats are more predisposed to getting malignant lymphoma and dogs will be subject to nasal or lung cancer. Not only do pets share our homes and breathe the same air as we do, but their grooming behavior and somewhat more homebody-like lifestyles may increase the intensity and duration of their exposure to smoke compared to that of the humans in the household. Not only do dogs and cats inhale our cigarette smoke, but they also receive a double dose of nicotine when they clean their fur, ingesting nicotine that is on and in the hair. Additionally, pets live lower to the ground than we do and are exposed to smoke residue that has settled out of the environment and adhered to carpets, upholstery and bedding as they sleep in various spots in the house over the course of a day. 

A cat will almost never meow at another cat. Cats use this sound for humans.

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Adult cats rarely meow to or at each other. Kittens meow primarily to get their mother’s attention. Once a cat becomes full-grown, it uses body language, visual marking and scent. The meow seems to be a communication method directed mostly at humans most likely because it works. Cats are very smart and quickly learn if a meow got a desired result the first time, it will do it again. Additionally, because we’re such a verbal species, we seem to respond best when our cats meow to us over other forms of communication. This fact is proven over and over again as humans are repeatedly scratched or bitten because they misread their cats’ body language signals.

Dogs can alert their owners of an epileptic seizure up to 1 hour before it occurs

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Although this behaviour has been observed and reported, it does not seem to be universal in all dogs according to certain studies.   How dogs detect an oncoming seizure in humans remains a mystery. Some researchers think they detect subtle changes in human behavior or scent before an episode occurs. These dogs give the person an opportunity to take seizure blocking medication, to get to a safe place, or to call for assistance. In addition, a dog’s presence can be reassuring and relaxing and may cut down on seizure frequency and the ability for a dog to obtain help during or after a seizure could prove lifesaving.

You can let your dog drink from puddles if he is vaccinated against Leptospirosis

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The leptospirosis vaccine protects against four specific strains of the Leptospirosis bacteria, but there are numerous other strains of Leptospirosis that the vaccine doesn’t cover. In addition, there are other contaminants and diseases that can be harmful for your pet if he drinks stagnant water, such as giardia, coccidia, campylobacter and cryptosporidium.