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2024-06-11 in General

Antibiotics: A tool that must be used carefully

When the first antibiotic was discovered in the mid-twentieth century, it created a medical revolution in human and animal health care. Suddenly, once life-threatening diseases were curable. Over the years,…
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2024-05-22 in General

Insurance is Vital for Your Pet’s Veterinary Care

If something unexpected happens to your pet, are you prepared to pay for the cost of veterinary services out of pocket? If you don’t have money set aside in an…
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2024-04-29 in General

It Pays to Spay…and Neuter!

Spaying or neutering is one of the best things you can do for your pet’s health. At Vet Mobile Plus, we will discuss our specific recommendations for your pet. In…
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2024-03-18 in General

Arthritis in Dogs and Cats: What You Need to Know

A common thing we hear in the clinic is “my pet is getting old.” Often, as pets age, they get less active, and we assume it's because they are getting…
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2024-02-12 in General

Why Wellness Exams Are Important for Your Pet

Have you ever wondered why we ask you to bring your pet for a wellness exam at least once a year? It’s not just because we enjoy seeing you and…
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2024-01-15 in General

Pet Dental Health: Dogs and Cats Need Dental Care Too!

This February, celebrate National Pet Dental Health Month with Mobile Plus Vet Clinic by learning how to take care of your pet’s teeth. Dental care plays an important role in…
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2023-12-21 in General

Obesity: The Preventable Epidemic

Did you know that more than half of pets in Canada are overweight or obese? This is up from just over 30% in 2013! That’s not good news, because extra…
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2023-11-30 in General

Intestinal Parasites and Your Pet 

We need to talk about worms. They aren’t a topic most people want to even think about much less talk about, but as a pet owner, you want to protect…
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2023-11-02 in General

Essential Facts About Your Pet’s Diet 

A well-balanced, complete diet is essential throughout your dog or cat’s life. Beyond that, considering the wide range of choices available, how do you decide which pet food is best…
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2023-09-11 in General

Tick-Transmitted Diseases: Important Information to Protect Your Pet

Ticks pose a risk to pets and people in Montreal, and throughout Quebec. These parasites are scary because they do more than just feed on blood: they can transmit serious…
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2023-08-14 in General

Is your pet’s scratching driving you crazy?…Don’t blame your pet!

If your dog or cat is constantly itchy, they just might have allergies. Dogs and cats suffer from allergies just like humans do, but their symptoms tend to be different. Once…
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2023-07-10 in General

Are you ready to roam with Rover or fly with Fido?

You’ve arranged your time off and booked your hotel, but are you fully prepared to travel with your dog? Some vacations are well-suited to include your furry friend, but it’s important to keep…
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2017-01-26 in General

February is Pet Dental Health Month

Several veterinary associations sponsor Pet Dental Health Month every February to raise awareness of the importance of oral health.  Good dental hygiene is just as important for pets as it…
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2017-01-13 in General

Indoor Activities for Your Pet

  With the exception of winter sports enthusiasts, a great number of us tend to be less active in the winter compared to the summer. I, for one, am less…
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2016-11-02 in General

Diarrhea in dogs

What is diarrhea? Diarrhea is the passage of unformed or loose stools, usually in increased volume and/or increased frequency. Diarrhea is not a disease but rather a symptom of many different…
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2016-11-02 in General

Fears, Phobias and Anxiety

Fears, Phobias and Anxiety How do animals show fear? Fear is a physiological, behavioral, and emotional reaction to stimuli that an animal encounters. The physiological reaction results in an increase…
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2016-10-02 in General

Behavior Counseling – Behavior Consultations – Seeing a Behaviorist

Why should I take my pet for a behavior consultation? With mild or minor behavioral problems, clients are often able to correct the problem by means of reward-based training, as…
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2016-10-02 in General

Health Benefits of Pet Ownership

It is Animal Health Week from Oct 2nd to October 8th, 2016. The slogan to this campaign is “One Health - Animal Health + Human Health + Planet Health” and The Canadian Veterinary…
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2016-09-26 in General

Ticks in Dogs

What are ticks? Although ticks are commonly thought of as insects, they are actually arachnids similar to scorpions, spiders and mites. All ticks have four pairs of legs (eight legs…
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2016-04-25 in General

The Yellow Dog Project

In a nutshell, some dogs just need their personal space respected for a number of different reasons. It is never prudent to approach a dog you don't know without asking…
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2017-01-19 in Top 5

Top Five New Year’s Resolutions

The start of a new calendar year can signal a fresh start for pets as well as people. This is a great time for making some changes that can benefit…
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2016-12-07 in Top 5

Top 5 Diet Myths/Misconceptions

Lucky 1. “If your pet has a skin condition, it’s probably a food allergy” Allergy symptoms can mimic the symptoms of other skin disorders. There are a variety of factors…
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2016-06-18 in Top 5

Top 5 Benefits to Vaccinating Your Pets

1. Less Concern for Outdoor Pets Outdoor pets and pets who are socialized with other animals are more susceptible to certain diseases due to contact with foreign bodily fluids. Cats…
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2016-06-17 in Top 5

Top 5 Warning Signs of Dental Disease

Dr Nosotti & Lynx 1. Bad Breath Bad breath is often one of the earliest signs of dental disease. If addressed at the earlier stages, we may be able to…
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2016-06-16 in Top 5

Top 5 Dr. Google Myths

1. “I should let my dog go into heat at least once before spaying her” – A common myth. Studies do show that there is a slight decrease in mammary…
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2016-06-15 in Top 5

Top 5 Ways your pet shows they love you

1. Bunting/Head Rubbing This is a term used in referral to when our feline friends rub their heads and cheeks up against us. What our pet is really doing is…
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2017-12-14 in True or False

Marijuana intoxication in pets is on the rise since its legalization

True Up until recently, marijuana intoxication has seldom been fatal. Second hand smoke can be a potential issue on your pets depending on level of exposure. Deaths are more commonly…
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2017-12-14 in True or False

Compost bins can be dangerous to dogs and cats

True There are numerous reasons not to let your pets snack in the compost bin. However, the decomposing and decaying organic matter has the potential to grow the mold Penicillium crustosum which…
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2017-12-14 in True or False

Feeding pets raw meat diets poses a health risk to humans

True The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM), and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stand united in their position (based on very robust…
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2017-12-14 in True or False

The nicotine contained in e-cigarettes is more toxic to cats and dogs than regular cigarettes

True Mild to moderate exposure to nicotine can occur when dogs or cats nibble on a nicotine patch, chew on nicotine gum, consume a cigarette or eat a small amount…
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2017-12-14 in True or False

Zoonotic disease or zoonoses are terms used to describe an infection or disease that can be transmitted from an animal to a human or from a human to an animal

 True There is a large number of infections that can be passed between species, however, simple hygiene and common sense will drastically reduce if not eliminate the risk of zoonotic…
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2017-12-14 in True or False

There are only two basic pigments that determine the color of canines

 True Despite the huge variety in coat color, the two basic pigments that determine the color of canines are eumelanin (black) and phaeomelanin (red).  All different variations in color are…
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2016-11-02 in Videos

Dr Nosotti’s Informational Videos

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